Student Council
Please see the OHS Student Council constitution for requirements to run for office or to be a merit member.
Student Council is sponsored by:
Mrs. LeAnn Hays (library)
All information is located in the sidebar on the left side of this page. Please note deadlines and dates.
More information will be posted here, on the school webpage and on the student council twitter account (@OHSStudentCounc).
There are two ways to become involved in the OHS Student Council. Here is a brief description of those ways---there is more info (along with the requirements for each option) in the constitution that is attached on the left side bar.
1 - Run for office. This option does require a commitment to attend all morning meetings and some after school activities like school sponsored tailgates, homecoming events, community service after school hours, etc.
2 - Merit membership. This option is great for students who can not attend meetings or maybe have other commitments like a sport or band. You can attend as you are able and as your schedule allows...but you can still be very involved.
OHS Student Council Officers 2045-25
President Kabir Toor
Vice President Anna Estes
Secretary Lillian Smith
Treasurer Zareia Porter
Class of 2025
President - Reed Pullias
Vice President Alijah Waters
Secretary Keeley Lewis
Rep Leah Perry, Payton Gonzalez
Class of 2026
Presicent Cullen Surles
Vice President Victoria Chism
Secretary Emma Woods
Representative Jaida Lanier, Raquel Hernandez
Class of 2027
President Jayla Gross
Vice President Maura Reed
Secretary Lily Jackson
Representative Luke Parker, Brooke Becker, Elizabeth Callender, Genesis Jordan, Kymberli Rodgers, Abbie Williams
Class of 2028
President Rowan McConnell
Vice President Isabella Fiora
Secretary Thatcher Dunn
Representative Jenna Ratliff, John Major Kelly
Photos 2018
All students interested in running for class office MUST:
1) read the OHS SC Constitution. For questions, Contact Mrs. Hays (library) or Mr. Talley (E5 and G Hall)
2) read and fill out the forms application. See dates below.
Campaign and election information is included in the constitution posted below.
MERIT MEMBER INFO: - read constiution - duties are outlined. MUST have parent permission. Form in library before you attend a meeting or event.
Pick up form in library.
Elections will be the week of May 5, 2025. Qualified applicants will be notified via email with all election information. NO campaigning may begin until application is approved.